

As an educator shaped by both the French education system and the current practices of the Ontario educational landscape, my philosophy is a blend of diverse pedagogical influences. Rooted in the foundational principles of education, my approach draws inspiration from the works of Olivier Reboul, William Blatz, and John Dewey.

In the French education system, where I was schooled, I have been deeply influenced by the emphasis on intellectual rigor and critical thinking. Olivier Reboul’s commitment to fostering a deep understanding of knowledge, alongside the cultivation of analytical skills, resonates strongly with my educational beliefs. The French system’s dedication to a well-rounded education, where students are encouraged to explore a broad range of subjects, has shaped my conviction that education should be a transformative journey, equipping individuals with both knowledge and the ability to apply it meaningfully.


Upon transitioning to the Ontario educational system, I encountered a new educational framework that values inclusivity, student-centered learning, and a commitment to diversity. William Blatz’s work, with its emphasis on the importance of recognizing and accommodating individual differences, has greatly influenced my belief in creating inclusive learning environments. The Ontario system’s dedication to fostering a sense of community and collaboration aligns seamlessly with Dewey’s philosophy of experiential learning and the social aspect of education. Dewey’s notion that education is a process of living and not a preparation for future living is a guiding principle in my teaching practice.


In my classrooms, I strive to integrate the best of both educational worlds – blending the intellectual rigor of the French system with the student-centered, experiential approach of the Ontario system. I believe in creating a learning environment that not only imparts knowledge but also instills a lifelong love for learning.

I am committed to fostering critical thinking skills, nurturing creativity, and promoting a deep sense of cultural awareness. I view education as a collaborative partnership between students, educators, and the community. By integrating the philosophies of Reboul, Blatz, and Dewey, I aspire to empower my students to be active, engaged citizens who can navigate a complex and rapidly changing world.

Ultimately, my educational philosophy is a synthesis of global perspectives, acknowledging the strengths of both the French and Ontario systems. It is a philosophy that places students at the center, values diversity, and seeks to cultivate not only knowledgeable individuals but also responsible, compassionate, and curious lifelong learners.


100W – Shaped by both French and Ontario educational systems, my philosophy blends diverse influences. Emphasizing foundational principles, it draws from Reboul, Blatz, and Dewey. French schooling instilled intellectual rigor and critical thinking, fostering a holistic education. Transitioning to Ontario, I embraced inclusivity and student-centered learning, influenced by Blatz and Dewey’s emphasis on individual differences and experiential learning. In teaching, I merge French rigor with Ontario’s approach, aiming to create lifelong learners. Prioritizing critical thinking, creativity, and cultural awareness, I foster collaboration among students, educators, and the community. My philosophy integrates global perspectives, empowering students for a complex world.

200W – My educational philosophy, shaped by both French and Ontario systems, integrates diverse pedagogical influences rooted in foundational principles. Influenced by Reboul’s emphasis on intellectual rigor, French education instilled critical thinking and a holistic approach. Transitioning to Ontario, I embraced Blatz and Dewey’s focus on inclusivity, student-centered learning, and community collaboration. In my teaching, I merge French rigor with Ontario’s experiential approach to create a transformative learning environment. Prioritizing critical thinking, creativity, and cultural awareness, I foster a collaborative partnership among students, educators, and the community. By integrating Reboul, Blatz, and Dewey’s philosophies, I empower students to navigate a complex world actively. Ultimately, my philosophy acknowledges the strengths of both systems, placing students at the core, valuing diversity, and nurturing responsible, compassionate, and curious lifelong learners.